
Thursday 12 September 2019

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods
Sometimes, it doesn't matter how some foods look delicious because they can kill us! Eating too much food can cause toxic substances to accumulate in the body that can kill us over time!
Many of the common foods we eat are actually high in toxins that are dangerous to health. You may be surprised that some of these foods on our list were previously thought healthy and there is no risk of too much!

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

1- Mushrooms

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

Most people know better than to eat wild mushrooms. In case you don’t, mushrooms can be incredibly toxic and even experts have mistaken a bad mushroom for a good one.

Not all poisonous mushrooms are brightly colored, either. Symptoms include kidney damage, nausea, vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea.

Some mushrooms are deadly and have been named a death-killer in many deaths, including Emperor Claudius, the Tsar, and the Pope. You are usually safe buying mushrooms at the grocery store.

2- Honey 

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

Unpasteurized honey may contain pyrrolidine alkaloids if the bees collect nectar or pollen from the bad plants. Protected areas can lead to cirrhosis and cancer. Protected areas are removed by pasteurization.

Another problem with honey is food poisoning. Poisoning is extremely fatal in small doses, but the level of honey is low enough for healthy adults to tolerate.

3- Apples

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

The Wicked queen was on the right track in Snow White. Apples naturally contain cyanide, a highly toxic substance. Cyanide is present in the seeds, so avoid the pulp.

It will take a lot of apple pips to poison, but why take advantage?

The most serious problem is that pesticides adhere to the skin of apples and are then waxed in apples during conventional picking. Wash the fruit and remove the wax coating for optimal results.

4- Nutmeg

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

Nutmeg is a popular spice grown in the Caribbean and Indonesia. The core of the seed is nutmeg. Nutmeg adds a warm sweet taste and a Thanksgiving scent to the food.

He is also hallucinated. A teaspoon of raw nutmeg causes high heart rate, nausea, dry mouth, and vomiting. Tip: Most nutmeg in the spice basket is not raw.

It is rarely fatal, but you might wish you could die because symptoms will last a few days.

5- Celery

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

What can be fatal about simple celery? Crunchy, rich in water, soft enough to blow the cheese, and a snack of dieters.

Well, it turns out that you can find more than 64 different chemicals in celery. As celery grows, the soil consumes a lot of water and contains a wide variety of pesticides.

Whether or not you accept the science behind pesticide safety, you may want to serve and buy organic celery.

6- Ackee

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

If you want to experience Jamaican vomiting disease, immature or very mature Ackee is taken.

This Jamaican national fruit is associated with lychee. Ackee is rich in healthy fatty acids, a variety of vitamins and calories. The taste is described by butter and looks like a palm heart.

The problem is that the seeds, immature and excessive flesh are toxic. Side effects of eating poorly prepared fruits can cause fatal hypoglycemia attacks.

7- Puffer Fish

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

If you travel to Japan, you face a completely different food. One delicacy is fugu. This puffer fish can cause paralysis or death if not properly prepared.

The liver and internal organs are extremely toxic. Some chefs leave just enough liver to give you a tingly feeling on your tongue. Too much and you might die!

Symptoms range from tingling to respiratory paralysis. You can frugu poisoned in the United States - make sure you know the sea fish you eat!

8- Casu Marzu

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

Casu Marzu (rotten cheese) is an illegal Italian cheese. The cheese is made from sheep's milk, where it is infected with worms. Once the larvae eat and secrete, they take on a soft texture and a rich taste.

If the larvae die, spoil the cheese, so you should eat cheese with live larvae (hobbyists recommend closing their eyes).

You should also chew the cheese enough to kill worms. Otherwise, they can settle in the intestines.

9- Blueberries

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

Another type of product that contains a lot of pesticide residues, fertilizers and berries. Because berries are delicate and common among insects, farmers use a lot of pesticides and fertilizers to market their products.

Blueberries contain 52 different pesticides that are known or suspected to cause harm to people and the environment.

Strangely, if you buy frozen berries, they contain a lot less pesticide residues. If you want to eat berries, buy the frozen variety.

10- Kidney Beans

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

Who knows if kidney pills can be toxic? It has been found to contain a glycoprotein called lectin. This protein kills cells in the stomach, causing nausea, severe diarrhea and vomiting.

The poisoning by the red beans is very easy to avoid. If using dry beans, soak them in water for at least 5 hours. This is especially important if you cook red beans in a slow cooker.

There are some unhealthy snacks and unhealthy processed foods

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