Most people who want to lose weight try all kinds of draconian diets, but often fail to give up bad eating habits. However, these poor eating behaviors are not healthy since they limit these individuals in their efforts to lose weight. We unpack in this article the list of 7 bad habits to proscribe to maintain a beautiful silhouette.
Bad Eating Habits
Bad Eating Habits
1- Nibbling
Nibbling is a vicious circle of eating anything between meals. Nibbled foods are, for the most part, very harmful to health because they are usually sweets or bad fatty foods. In addition, these substances cause reaction hypoglycemia and increase the number of calories.
To remedy the nibbling, we advise you to provide two snacks during the day. The first, in the morning around 10h and the second in the late afternoon. It can be composed of fruits, cereals or oleaginous (mahogany nuts, dried fruits).
2- Eat too fast
Chewing is an important phenomenon in the process of digestion. When you do not take the time to eat slowly, the brain does not realize that you are feeding yourself. These kinds of unhealthy eating habits result in insatiability and excessive consumption of food. Eating too fast does not help your body burn fat.
To combat this bad behavior, you must slowly chew your food to prolong the pleasure of eating. The advantage is to make the most of the benefits of nutrients in your food. Good chewing will help you digest better and reach the satiety effect quickly.
3- Skipping meals
Skipping meals is by far the best way to avoid getting fat. On the contrary, the body lacks energy tends to fill the gap at the next meal. As a result, you risk giving free rein to cravings and eating more food than usual.
The solution is to better organize to make sure to respect the 3 essential meals of the day.
4- Eat in front of a screen
Eating in front of a screen (television, computer or phone) is a ritual that disrupts the brain because it does not allow him to record the priority act that you ask. So you eat mechanically without savoring your meal and without being satiated.
Avoid lounging in front of a screen when you have decided to get a dream body. Make your meals a sacred opportunity for family sharing! Be prepared to taste your favorites instead of slouching on your couch.
5- Restrict yourself
Food restriction is one of the bad eating habits that cause frustration. There is no point in imposing too severe a rhythm on the pretext that you want to lose weight. There is no evidence, for example, that having a fully organic diet means that you eat well.
We advise you instead to have a balanced diet based on fruits, vegetables, and cereals rather than limiting the nutritional value of your food.
6- Do not drink enough water
Water is the best drink. It helps drain the cells and avoid retention. Drinking plenty of water is great for your body because it promotes hydration.
Doctors recommend drinking at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. Note that water is much better than all other drinks to eliminate toxins.
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